I get it. Your heart is taking a beating. There's not enough time for that darling heart of yours to recover before the next punch is thrown. It hurts so badly and you just want to give up and stop loving. Logic is screaming in your ear, "It's not worth it. Stop now before you get hit again." Love is whispering, "Don't give up. It's still worth it. You're still changing lives." No one would blame you for listening to logic. I wouldn't blame you. It's screaming so loud and your heart hurts so much and you just want a break from the pain that naturally comes with pouring your love into people's lives.
This is the choice that changes everything. You can choose the safe zone and pull that broken heart back into the safety of your own hands and not let anyone else touch it. Like I said, no one would blame you. Oh, but you could listen to the whisper. You could keep putting your heart out there and keep pouring your love into others. There's risk, but risk just makes love even more of an adventure.
I've been in that place before. Heck, I still am. That place where you're loving people so hard and not getting anything in return. You pour your heart into their life and they don't even acknowledge it. Darling, I get it. It hurts so much. Some days, you're going to want to scream, "Am I really just not worth loving back?" and that's okay. Just land in the knowledge that you are worth loving back and people are doing the best they can. Others' oblivion feeds our own insecurities (oblivion is one of my greatest enemies) and we have to choose to listen to the whisper of "It's still worth it and so are you."
So, darling, be a world-changer. Surprise people by loving harder than ever when your heart hurts more than ever. It's always worth it. I cannot stress enough how much it matters. The world's gonna be a more beautiful place because you loved when it felt like you had nothing left. It already is, simply because you exist and your heart is overflowing with your unique, beautiful love. No one else can bring to the table what you can bring. Walk boldly up to the table. Don't let that familiar fear of rejection make you walk with your eyes to the ground. Lovely, you better walk with your head held high because the world needs your love.
Sweetheart, keep loving. Don't give in to the fear. You've got Jesus on your side so why would you ever want to let fear rule you? Through Him, you are bigger and better than the fear. Your comfort zone is nice and cozy, but adventures never came from comfort zones.
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