Oh, but heart, that is where you're wrong.
It's not the times when I say something and everyone falls off their seats from its profoundness. It's not the times when I say something and everyone tells me, "Wow, Natalie, that's exactly what I needed to hear!" It's not the times when everyone comes to me with their hearts to pour everything into my lap and wait for me to say "just the right thing". My heart is hung up on the numbers and the responses when I can see clearly that what I'm saying and doing matters right now.
Today, I refuse to allow my heart to be discouraged. Today, I'm reminding myself of the times when I have had the opportunity for conversation. My heart often likes to overlook the importance and necessity of conversation. My heart is pretty selfish and only wants the exciting stuff. But guess what matters more? The small stuff. The times when you tell someone you love them. The times when you look someone in the eye and say with all the sincerity in you, "How are you today?" and they can feel that you mean it and care what they have to say. The times when you see someone with an aching heart and you just hug it out. The times when you say, "You matter" to someone who's never believed it. I could go on forever. Those times matter infinitely. Seize them. Cherish them. You are making a difference with your smile to that stranger who looks like they're having the worst day of their life. See how their face lights up when they see that you care?
So, today I'm not going to dismiss the small things. I'm going to be encouraged by smiles and "I love you"s and hugs and "You matter"s. I'm going to encourage with those, as well. Don't let yourself get discouraged by a lack of response. What you're doing matters. What you're saying matters. You're leaving your mark on this world. People see it and people feel it. Don't you dare discredit your ability to make the world better simply because someone didn't say, "Hey, you said exactly what I needed to hear." Love with Jesus' love and the world will remember that...but don't let it be about fame. Let it be about Jesus and eternity, because they matter the most.
This post was me writing to myself, but I sure hope it resonates with you as well. Be encouraged, darling. You're worth the fight.